Archive for the ‘General’ Category

cook, clean, clean. repeat.

Saturday, June 18th, 2005

The problem with waking up early is that the day can end up being so much longer than you’d like it to be.

it can only get better?

Friday, June 10th, 2005

So this morning I get off the elevator, card in to the floor and I’m walking through the kitchen on the way to my office when a colleague of mine says “Hey! You look terrible! What happened to you?”


Seriously, I am ready to go back to bed. I fell asleep in the car on the way to work. Luckily, I wasn’t driving.
I went to the gym a little before 7 and had my ass kicked for an hour. It is good for me.

i got nothin

Thursday, June 9th, 2005

Chalk it up to the oppressive heat (it’s not that bad, but the forecast for Sunday is 95F) but I haven’t been in a sharing mood lately. This is the worst year for allergies that I can remember. I’ve been a miserable mess for the past 3 weeks and it’s been a struggle to get out of bed every morning. I’ve been going to the gym with Jeremie every morning and that doesn’t make getting out of bed any easier. These allergies are roughing me up something fierce. I am ready to be done.

Last night I spent a little over an hour weeding in the garden. I made some progress, but there’s probably 5 more hours of weeding left to do. Kind of nuts. Once I have everything weeded I really need to be vigilant and spend at least 15 minutes every day out there on preventative care. My to-do list is long and all I really want to do is nap. All this sunshine makes me want to be outside, or at least anywhere other than my desk.

the open road

Friday, May 27th, 2005

My friend Jon quit his job to go on an adventure. You can find him here. He leaves Tuesday-ish. Bon voyage, Jon!

Welcome to the dictionary

Thursday, May 26th, 2005

For the record: blogosphere is not a real word. Nor is it a place. Please do not use this word in written or verbal communication anymore unless you want me to throw up on you. THE END.

C is for Coffee Shop

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Greetings from beautiful Bethel, CT! We’re hanging out at Molten Java, a nice cafe with good coffee, eclectically painted tables, a good view of town and wireless internet. Today has been a very pleasant day. I woke up around 6:30, did some laundry, went to the gym and had breakfast on the terrace. Ok, fine. Breakfast on the deck. Delicious. Then we cleaned up and popped in the car, arriving here in Bethel around 40 minutes later. The drive up was very scenic. Later on we’re heading to New Haven to have dinner at Sally’s Apizza. Yum, yum, yum.

What I’m drinking: Turkish Latte – espresso and milk with cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla. I can’t decide how I feel about cardamom.


Monday, May 16th, 2005

Sunday morning I was planning on doing the 10k AIDS walk in NYC but I burned my shoulder and ended up missing the train because of it. Complicated. Jeremie looked online to find burn remedies for me and the two main suggestions we found were: honey and mustard. I have a small jar of honey and a big tub of mustard from Costco so I went with mustard. I have to say it mostly worked; it cooled down the burn fairly quickly and as of yet, there’s no blistering. I cut a pretty pathetic figure with mustard all over my shoulder.

Today I woke up tired and spent most of the day feeling tired. I’m still tired and my stomach hurts as well so I don’t have anything good to say. Sad times.

one down, lots to go

Monday, May 9th, 2005

Jeremie and I went to GR this weekend to kick off the wedding planning. We looked at a bunch of places but haven’t really decided on anything yet as there’s a big difference in the kind of place you want if you’re having 200 or, let’s say, 382.

The one thing I can check off my list? I bought my dress! I tried on 10 or so, narrowed it down to 2 and picked one. Easy peasy.

chez sheri

Sunday, May 1st, 2005

Yesterday Jeremie and I had an errand to run in Old Lyme, CT (about twice as far from us as New Haven) so on the way back we decided to make a pit stop at the new-ish IKEA. We picked up a very nice black metal table and two chairs for our high deck, so we can sit out there and have coffee without going all the way down to the patio. Yes, it sounds a little crazy.

Late this afternoon, the rain and clouds that plagued us for the past two days, finally cleared. We set up the table and had fancy coffee drinks and read the paper. Very pleasant. I like my yard.

Seder 1

Saturday, April 23rd, 2005

Hello, hello. The time in Brussels is 3:45am and we just got back from the seder! This is definitely the latest-running seder I’ve ever attended. We didn’t get started until 10:30p (well after Shabbat, afaik) and had many prayers and discussions before we reached the eating part around 12:40 am. The food was delicious: cold poached salmon, gefilte fish, haroset, beet salad, brisket, roast chicken and so much more. After appetizer, soup, meal, dessert and a couple of rounds of Taki (an Israeli card game), we regrouped at the table to finish off the rest of the seder.

It looks like Jeremie has fallen asleep but I am quite awake. Oh well.

Thought for the evening/morning: if nobody talks about politics, do politics exist? Discuss.