I had jury duty this morning and I was one of the last people to get dismissed, but dismissed I am so no need to serve for the next three years. I didn’t feel like going all the way to work so I’m working from home this afternoon and I’m having a wonderful time. I have a tasty little cup of Senseo next to me and Getz/Gilberto
on the stereo. All is good.
Last night I set up a new version of WordPress for our wedding website. Man, it is awesome. One of these days when I have a lot of time to deal with the fallout, I’ll update the version that I use for orangeparade. I highly recommend checking WordPress 1.5 out.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned the insanity that is my garden. I think I’ve picked about 40 cucumbers so far. It’s a good thing we like to eat cucumbers and so do our neighbors and friends. I even brought a bunch back to Michigan this past weekend. I go out to the garden every other day or so and it seems like there’s always 5-10 new cucumbers to pick. Crazy! The tomatoes are just starting to ripen and the basil and parsley are going like gangbusters. The cilantro isn’t doing quite as well as most of it has been jumped by the cukes. I need to think of good things to do with large amounts of basil other than just make pesto. I already have a lot of pesto. If you have suggestions, please let me know.