Archive for the ‘General’ Category

did i mention

Thursday, August 12th, 2004

that this process hasn’t been bump-free? It’s taken me about 3 hours of messing around with wordpress settings and .htaccess to get comments to work. By work, I mean the ability to click on the comments link and have the form pop up. I haven’t tested if one can actually post a comment because a) posting my own comment even for testing purposes seems not quite right, and b) my faint heart can’t take much more of this today. I’m just going to knock on the composite material that is my desk and hope for the best.

I put up pictures of my most recent trip to San Francisco in the gallery. I was going to put them up yesterday, but the compact flash reader I got from Ben doesn’t seem to work with my shiny new laptop (an IBM T41 – nice, but not winning any beauty contests) so I had to wait until last night to pull them off. Jeremie and I took that trip in June so you can see my fantastic turn around time. That should improve now that all is FANTASTIC.

things I will never get used to

Wednesday, August 11th, 2004

Another episode from the I-don’t-live-in-Grand-Rapids-anymore files..

So last night Jeremie and I went to see Bourne Supremacy at the Crown Theater in Greenwich with some friends. First of all, the theater is a pos but we knew that going in. The first five minutes of the film were fine but then the sound got all choppy and computerized-sounding so I went out to complain. A good 5 minutes later someone came in to check out the situation and after about 20 minutes the whole thing was resolved.

Now if this had happened at any theater in GR, most likely there would be customer service people standing outside the doors once the movie was over and they’d be apologizing and giving coupons for free popcorn or even a free movie. At the Crown? Nothing. Of course, I stopped at the ticket window after the show and asked about it and then the woman gave us passes but it blows my mind that I was the only person to do it.

People here routinely park cars on the street that cost more than I make in a couple of years. As we were walking to the theater last night we came across a Maybach and the boys got all excited. It is a very large auto but I didn’t find it overwhelmingly interesting. Apparently it costs well over $200K. How nice!

mental cardio workout

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

I just about had 6 heart attacks thinking that I would have to reinstall everything and start from scratch seeing as I broke all this. Thank goodness I figured out that I could fix all this with a nifty tool called phpMyAdmin. Crisis averted!

well, well, well

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

It’s time for a change. This little migration has not been bump-free, but things seem to be working out fairly ok right now. I’ll have to figure out how I want to link in all the old stuff, but I figured I might as well not wait for all that to be done cause that could be awhile.