Archive for the ‘General’ Category

winter activities

Thursday, December 16th, 2004

Tuesday afternoon I ordered snowshoes from REI! We don’t have any snow on the ground here yet, but I figure it’s only a matter of time. I’m somewhat conflicted on the matter because I hate shoveling snow and driving in snow but I am looking forward to snowshoeing. There are lots of good places around here to do it. We have a nice public golf course a few blocks from the house and then there are several nature preserves in the area as well as various estate/museum type places in Westchester County. Should be a good time.

It’s kind of a wierd time at work right now. We only have 1 day left to make changes to our system until the first week of January. I have a big section of code to check in before tomorrow morning but I am waiting on someone else to complete his portion of things so that we can join our stuff together and test it. If he doesn’t get it done soon we won’t be able to check this stuff in and then there will be wrath. Not from me (because truly, I think this stuff should undergo a lot more testing) but the Product Developer and sales people will be Angry. Capital A type angry.


I’ve been using Mozilla Thunderbird to keep track of all my non-work/non-pine email, RSS feeds and work newsgroups. I really like it. Instead of never checking my various webmails I have everything centralized. I think it had been two months since I last checked my email and my inbox was totally full. Of course it was all poker this and viagra that. Die, spammers. DELETED.

Greetings from Belgium

Friday, December 10th, 2004

Hello, hello! Having a lovely time in Belgium. Our flight here on Air France was very nice, even though we were in coach. The plane was a bit nicer than Northwest planes usually are and the food was surprisingly good. We even had smoked salmon as a first course! We were a little nervous because we were forced to check our luggage and it usually takes a long time to get luggage at CDG but our suitcase was the 4th off the plane and we made our train with time to spare.

Yesterday we spent most of the day walking around Antwerp with Jeremie’s Oma and his Aunt Sarah. Antwerp is smaller than Brussels but the city center is quite similar.

Ok, enough of me trying to figure out how to type querty-style on this European keyboard. Bonne nuit!


Monday, December 6th, 2004

I moved into my new office this morning and now I have a perfect view of our first snowfall of the season. The snow is coming down in huge clumps and it almost looks like feathers from a pillow fight. I wish I had my camera.

bless the dishwasher

Sunday, December 5th, 2004

We had the oven on for almost 7 hours today. I can’t remember doing that, like ever.

Ben and Mandy came over this afternoon to bake cookies because they don’t have a mixer and it’s more fun to bake with people. We made two kinds, both recipes from the Food Network. The first dough we made was for Alton Brown’s “The Chewy” chocolate chip cookies. Now, when I think of chewy chocolate chip cookies, I think of slightly puffy and thick chewy cookies. This recipe required that the butter be melted, which should have been my first red flag but as I trust in Alton, I overlooked this peculiarity. Since we needed to chill the dough for an hour before baking, we went on to the second type of cookie, Raspberry Lemon Thumbprint Cookies from Emeril Lagasse.
I’ll tell you the truth. I really wanted these cookies to be horrible, because I’m not a fan of the Emeril, but these were fantastic jammy morsels. Ben and Mandy made this dough while I cleaned up a bit and sat on the couch for awhile. I helped a little at the end by filling the jammy hole with jam, but that’s the extent of my involvement with these ones. They did seem to be fairly easy and quick to throw together but require some ingredients you may not usually have around the house. Though the recipe calls for Chambourd or Kirsh, Ben and Mandy brought along a delightful framboise liqueur and a little of it went into the jammy mixture and lots more went in to us. I remembered that I had a bottle of framboise from our visit to Chamonix in October 2002 so I brought it up from the cellar and we had a little tasting. All in the name of science. Both were very good but different from each other.
Anyways, the thumbprint cookies baked up wonderfully and tasted even better once they’d cooled. The only thing to note is that the recipe says you’ll get 4 dozen cookies and we got about 20 cookies total. I think that we could’ve stretched the dough a bit farther but there’s no way we’d come close to getting 4 dozen.
Back to The Chewy. After hanging out in the fridge for an hour, the dough had firmed up nicely and we had high hopes of perfect chocolate chip cookies coming our way. This was not to be the case. The cookies spread a lot in the oven and came out quite flat and much more greasy than I usually care for. But here’s the thing – they do taste good and even though they’re quite possibly the thinnest chocolate chip cookies to come out of my oven, they are indeed chewy. In my opinion, they’re not pretty enough to serve to company and I wouldn’t make them again. They’re just not what I’m looking for in a choco chip but they are interesting. I think I’ll try Alton’s recipe for “The Puffy” and see how that comes out.

You thought I was done? Ha! Then we made homemade pizza. But now I’m too tired to tell you more about it. Perhaps tomorrow.

not quite

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

Well, I’m not getting the office I thought I was going to get. No big window for me, just a little window. My new office is small but bigger than my cube and quieter than my cube so that’s something. And instead of sitting next to my management chain, I’ll be sitting between a friend and a stranger. Paperwork has been filed so I think this one’s for real.

movin on up

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

Kids, I’m getting an office. My manager told me last night that I had three to pick from so I chose the one with the biggest window, even though it’s right next to my manager’s manager’s manager’s office. Them’s a lot of managers. Anyway, I’m quite excited with the space and quiet that I’ll have. I’m not quite sure when I’ll be moving in but once I do I’ll take some pictures. Mmmn, quiet.

the time before soap

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

We spent a couple of hours with Jeremie’s Grandma this evening and she told us some great stories. We didn’t have a tape recorder but here’s what I have stored in my keppe.

Her mother liked them to spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer because the area of Montreal where they lived had sidewalks and very few trees. When Grandma was 5, they camped out on an island for the summer and lived in tents. Her mother had an agreement with the Federation (I didn’t ask, I’m assuming the Jewish Federation) to take in 8 girls for two weeks; she received a stipend of 10 cents a day to cover meals and such. As Grandma, her mother and her brother were out there for a couple of months they had several changes of girls.
Each morning her mother would wake up before the children and row a boat to the mainland to fetch a large jug of milk and a large jug of fresh water. One of the girls would be selected to travel with her and it was a great priveledge to be selected. Upon returning she would start a fire and made fresh onion rolls for breakfast.
The girls slept on straw mattresses in the tents and each morning they would hang them up to air out. Grandma said the girls were usually kind and would help her to hang up her mattress. She recounted that she learned very quickly not to touch the sides of the tent while it was raining. During one rain storm she touched the tent and got all wet. One of the girls in her tent thought to move her out of the wet spot and another told her a story while it thunderstormed.

Another story … One summer Grandma was to spend a couple months at a family farm about an hour outside of Montreal. Her mother put her on the train, vanished for a bit but came back quickly bearing a doll. Her mother told her that a man with a buggy would pick her up and the conductor would tell her where to get off the train. When it came time, the conductor did indeed tell her when to get off the train and she met the man with his horse and buggy. Near the end of the trip, the man asked her what the name of her doll was. She had not yet named the doll but saw a sign on the open barn door and quickly picked a name for the doll, “Nosmo King”.
Later on, she realized that the sign said “No Smoking” and she told us that she used that story to illustrate the importance of phrasing to her music students.

Grandma is 93 and the clarity of her mind and what she can recall never ceases to amaze me. She is a fascinating woman to talk with and listen to. She said the phrase “that was the time before soap” right before telling about her mother and spending the summer on the island, but either she didn’t complete the thought or I missed the context. Either way, I thought it was pretty funny.

She had a book on tomatos that she wanted me to have but she couldn’t find it so she gave me a copy of “The American Woman’s Cook Book” instead. It was published in 1940, as far as I can tell, and the recipes I’ve paged through so far are quite contemporary. There’s none of the strange concoctions of the 1950s and ’60s. I did see a few recipes for toungue but that’s not so wierd, it’s just fallen out of favor. I’m very excited to spend some time with this on the plane tomorrow.

restless energy

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004

I’ve been feeling kind of crazy the past couple of days. I haven’t been sleeping well and I can’t concentrate on any one thing for a terribly long time. Last night I cleaned the kitchen, dealt with the trash, folded the sheets that were in the dryer (I hate folding sheets) and actually put them back in the linen closet. I sat on the couch for a few minutes, then threw in a load of laundry before heading off to the gym. I was going to walk for 45 minuts or so but instead I stayed on the treadmill for closer to 80 minutes and walked a little over 5 miles.
Came home, ate some sherbet and watched Desperate Housewives on el Tivo. Guilty pleasure, yes yes yes. Then I emptied the dishwasher and since it was midnight, I went upstairs and played with my Rio for over an hour. I’m trying to get it to work with an SD card that we have and it just doesn’t want to copy music onto the darn thing. I crawled in bed around 1:30 and promptly started running through all kinds of crazy shit in my mind.

When I woke up this was the first fragment that popped into my mind: “blueberries or the confusion”

I am full of the nervous.

I could really handle a run right now.

Wisconsin is delightful

Saturday, November 13th, 2004

Any friend of cheese is a friend of mine. This week I got to spend a few days in Madison interviewing students at Univ of Wisconsin for software engineering jobs at TheCompanyIWorkFor. I structured my interviews very differently than the ones I conducted last week at Michigan and it was a lot easier on me. It gave me a lot more time and thought energy to listen and evaluate the candidates above and beyond the questions I had them work through.
Then there’s the fun stuff. Madison is a really great town to hang out in. We ate some good food, I got to take my cousins out to dinner and I even got to see Kerstin, my roommate from freshman year at Michigan. It’s nice having friends about while you’re away from home. I bought Wisconsin shirts for me and Jeremie. It feels fairly sacreligious, being a Michigan grad and all, but I just love Bucky the Badger. Oy, he’s a cutie.

the same but different

Thursday, November 4th, 2004

Greetings from Ann Arbor. I have a nice room with a fatty king bed and free wireless. Not too shabby. The trip in was uneventful, which is just how I like it, and since we got to town it’s been jam packed with activity. I met Lani for a brief coffee at Felix, we had our infosession, dinner at Palio and then a drink at Ashleys with Erin. I should get to sleep as we have a full day of interviews tomorrow but I’m hearing what sounds like dirty noises from the room next to mine so I think I’ll watch some of the tv I have on my laptop for a bit until that stops.

Ann Arbor has a lot more chain places than when I was here last. Triste.