if you’re going to play sad music, play it loud
Today was one of those days in which I wish I’d had some formal management training.
However, I’m not going to talk about work when I can talk about much more interesting things. Like …
I’m terribly sunburned and the pain is starting to dissuade into pure itchiness. I’m having trouble deciding which I prefer. We’re doing yearly reviews at work now and there’s one section of the form that asks something like “freely admits mistakes”. Yeah. I freely admit that I’m a crazy idiot for not wearing sunscreen at the beach on Saturday. I was wearing a halter bikini top so I’m uncomfortable pretty much everywhere. Brilliant.
Garden status: prolific. We picked 5 jumbo cukes yesterday and sent them home with Jeremie’s cousins. Today I started dreaming of fatoosh salad around 2p but was convinced that I wouldn’t have any cucumbers for it. When I went out to the garden to check, I found 5 more cucumbers. This little plot of land is crazy. I picked 5 good sized tomatoes and a bunch of plum tomatoes as well. Fatoosh was had by all. I followed the recipe in Joan Nathan’s Foods of Israel, except I left out the pita bread. So I suppose it wasn’t very fatooshy fatoosh, but it was great nonetheless.
I am tired but not particularly in the mood for sleep. It’s opposite day.