because we didn’t have enough vegetables

We bought more vegetables and fruit at the farmer’s market. 3 delicata squash (SO fabulous), 3 different kinds of apples and a gigantic head of cauliflower. This is on top of week 21’s bounty:

CSA Week 21

Carnival Winter Squash-2
Red Russian Kale-1 bunch
Collards-1 bunch
Parsley-1 bunch
Beets-1 bunch
Potatoes-2 pounds

CSA Week 21

and more apples and pears.

This weekend I made:

  • sesame garlic collards – very light on the sesame flavor, sadly. They were tasty, nonetheless.
  • roasted fingerling potatoes with rosemary from my garden. Delicious.
  • roasted beets, carrots, and parsnips. Delicious.
  • quinoa salad with balsamic, dried cherries, raw sunflower seeds, parsley, and peas. For lunch today. Seems delicious.

I was planning on making Tarte Tatin but I was tired yesterday afternoon. I could make it tonight but I really need to get some exercise a lot more than I need to bake. It’ll get made sometime this week.

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