2008 CSA Week 11 (catching up)

This was the week of the Onion Incident.

2008 CSA Week 11 - Veg

Summer Squash-2 pounds
Walla Walla Onions-2 **
Edamame-1 bunch-the beans are much larger this week and look perfect
Peppers-3 each-this is a mix of peppers, all sweet varieties.
Chiogga Beets-1 bunch
Tomatoes-3 pounds
Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes-1 basket
Summer Spinach-1 bunch
Sage-1 bunch

** note. This was supposed to be 2 onions. Whoever typed up the share list for the distribution site listed the onion quantity as 2 pounds. Since 2 onions weigh much, much less than two pounds of onions, the onions ran out rather quickly. Since we don’t get to the distribution site until about an hour after the pickup hours begin, no onions for us.

2008 CSA Week 11 - Fruit

donut peaches, red clapp pears, yellow peaches

We ate the spinach steamed with sweet sesame/soy sauce. The zucchinis went in to a batch of Chocolate Chip Zucchini bread, one loaf of which I traded with Eric for an Acela upgrade coupon. The edamame went in to the freezer and most of the tomatoes… we just ate. They’re delicious. We took the sungold cherry tomatoes along for a snack on the plane to Minneapolis.

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